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What’s a Fully Shining Woman? How to know if you are one…

I’m not sure if I’m a fully shining woman – I’m not always perfect.” – comment I’ve heard countless times.

Being a Fully Shining Woman does not mean striving for some idea of perfection or even being shiny all the time.

In fact, it means letting go of striving to make yourself more “shiny” – and letting your true inner glow and inner messiness be fully seen and heard.

I know I was guilty of working to make myself look “shiny” (aka perfect all the time) when I headed off on my spiritual path.

I was eager to be the good student and become more aware, more authentic, more abundant. To master the latest shiny object personal growth technique.

I fell into the trap of wanting to be the perfect mom and more loving partner and more successful business owner – only to realize that I was playing the game of never being good enough.

Yet the striving and perfectionism and people pleasing and “not good enough” melted away when I connected to being a FULLY Shining Woman (you can listen to the story of how my 10 year bonus son came up with that phrase here).

If we choose, we can go on an inner quest to become the Fully Shining Woman who we already are.

If we are brave enough and willing to be vulnerable, we can then let her full light and beauty inspire and impact the world.

So what does being a Fully Shining Woman mean?

A Fully Shining Woman stands in her power, accepts and trusts herself, speaks her truth, and expresses her inner light in the world by being her own unique authentic self.

She embraces her mystery, mastery, magic – and messiness.

She shares her inner light with the world – radiating from the inside out.

She dances between worlds – between her spiritual, intuitive creative side and the side of her that’s practical and grounded in everyday life and work.

She turns to her own inner guidance to navigate her life.

She’s following her unique path.

She lives from her own authenticity and integrity.

She’s guided by her own truth, what’s right for her, her own way.

She’s rooted in possibility..

She embraces her divine feminine power supported by her divine masculine.

She’s learned to trust her intuition.

And follow her soul purpose, using her soul gifts.

She speaks her truth.

She knows when to say “yes” and when to say “no.”

She cares deeply for others – and has learned how to care for herself first.

She’s often described as compassionate, understanding, kind, caring, honest and authentic.

She’s willing to be messy and vulnerable – and is constantly growing.

She does her best to love and accept all of herself – even the “I don’t feel like I have it all together” parts.

She whispers sweet encouragements to herself when she falls down.

She refuses to close her heart to others or be bound her own little limiting beliefs for long.

She chooses how she wants to shine – whether it’s as a mindful mama, a soul mate, a tender of her home and hearth, a businesswoman, a community leader, a creative, an activist, an artist, a healer.

She’s unabashed and unapologetic in her support of other women. She believes in sisterhood and has her sisters’ backs.

She’s inclusive – she stands for the rights of all people, races, gender expressions, sexual orientations, ethnicities, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds.

Her mama bear energy comes out if you mess with her sisters, her family, her cubs.

She deeply cares about Mother Earth, humanity, her community, her family, herself.

And she’s all for laughing until her belly aches, dancing under the moon, creatively expressing herself, dropping in to her silent inner knowing, spending time in nature, pampering herself, having deep, meaningful and insightful conversations and taking leaps of faith.

Since embracing my Fully Shining Woman, my marriage has deepened, I’m less stressed and more patient around my kids, I have some of the dearest friends in the world, my career and business lights up my soul and my relationship to money is much healthier.

Yes, there are still days when I’m full of doubt or crumbled on the floor. But the difference is I can truly say that I love myself. All of me.

So if you’re like Judy:

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