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Body Journeying

Trusting your own Self

"The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen."

How would you like to find the answer to any pressing question in your life?

What if I told you your body knows all the answers and is willing to share them with you?

After all, it has been present at every moment of your entire life. It remembers the totality of every one of your experiences – physical, emotional, and mental. It is literally wired to remember, because your life depends on it properly assessing external threats every moment of every day.

Body Journeying is the name I’ve given to a technique I developed a few years ago to help clients tap into their own internal knowledge base.

In English, the word health is derived from “whole”, and further, “holy.” Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy uses the term Inherent Health to describe the concept of this innate wholeness imprinted into the matrix of our being at the merging of sperm and egg. In his book, Quantum Healing, Deepak Chopra refers to it as a ‘network of intelligence.’ Other disciplines or belief systems may use the terms ‘breath of life’, prana, or spirit. We’ve used various words throughout human history to describe this unquantifiable element of our being.

No matter the terms we use, however, we can agree there had to be a certain level of it within us to direct our growth from a two- celled organism to the embryonic state, initiate and grow a placenta to nourish us within our mother’s womb, and continue our development to birth and beyond, to where we are now. Alive.

This Inherent Health, this “Wholyness,” then, is present throughout our entire lives. We are always re-orienting toward it, and it is always available to us.

Body Journeying is, at its core, a guided meditation intended to open you, the client, into the wisdom and power of your own Wholy-ness.

Body Journeying can be done either in person or as part of a distance healing session. It can form all or part of our overall time together. Sometimes we don’t start with the intention of using the technique at all, but it shows up as the right course of action during a session. Sometimes we begin by asking the question(s) and see where we go.

It begins, as every session begins, with creating a safe, respectful space together. Then we will do an in-depth check-in; a conversation about where you are in life. After you’ve shared all the important pieces, we set an intention for the work together, which can include any direct question(s).

Once you are comfortably settled, either on my table or where you’re having your distance session, I ask you to choose an avatar; a figure who will be your representative on our journey together. Now it’s time to go exploring. Throughout the session, I hold the sacred space, ask appropriate questions, and help you delve deeper into the experience. As with any other session, you are free to say ‘stop’ at any time.

To date, my clients’ bodies have always given up their insights when asked, and further, Self-directed the needed response to help restore the client to health and wholeness on every level. Body Journeying is an interactive search that takes place in a suspended reality, thereby combining the power of the conscious mind to interact and integrate with the energetic, emotional, physical and spiritual experiences of your entire being.

Since Body Journeying is appropriate for everyone, the benefits stretch across the board. Clients so far have experienced
  • Increased inner peace and freedom
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Physical healing
  • Increased feelings of empowerment
  • Energetic blockage removal
  • Positive life changes
  • Becoming unstuck
  • Increased feelings of alignment
  • Feeling safer and more attached to their bodies
  • Repairs to their energy system
  • Processing and releasing old emotional wounds
  • Understanding relationships
  • Releasing stored childhood memories and trauma from their body
Body Journeying can help with everyday problems, from the mundane to the most perplexing. Personal illness, professional challenges, family discord, traumatic memories, and even ancestral family patterns are just a few of the issues that can be examined, and an appropriate response formulated.

How will I know the answers to your questions?
The body’s ability to respond to respectful inquisition and a willingness to listen to its answers never ceases to amaze me. No matter how strange the question I ask appears, clients always know the answer.

Is there any reason I shouldn’t have a Body Journeying session?
Body Journeying is appropriate for everyone. To date, no one has experienced any negative effects from the technique.

To the best of my knowledge, I am the only professional who uses this body-centered technique.
Body Journeying combines elements from all my trainings in anatomy, physiology, nutrition, energy medicine, spiritual healing, pastoral care, trauma recovery, and shamanic and spiritual healing into one package. It truly is holistic care.