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What is Intuitive Decision Making?

I believe that each one of us has access to our own interior Divine knowledge, and that it can guide us in any decision. We only need to tune in and listen.

Here’s one way to do it:

1) Find a place as free from distractions as possible and close your eyes. Take three breaths, as slowly and deeply as possible, focusing your attention on the breath going in all the way to your toes and back out again.
2) Now think of something that you enjoy such as petting an animal, looking into the eyes of your partner or child, or taking a bath. Tune into your abdomen and/or heart area and focus on how it feels. That feeling is expansion.
3) Now think of something that makes you stressed or upset, such as too much to do, being late, or sitting in traffic. Tune into your abdomen and/or heart area and focus on how it feels. That feeling is constriction.
4) Expansiveness generally = yes and Constriction generally = no.

What is Distance Healing?

Long distance or remote healing is a technique used by many practitioners to work with someone who is not in their immediate physical vicinity. One well-known and recognized remote healing technique is called prayer.

Distance healing works first by understanding the oneness of everything. Einstein understood that energy is matter, and matter is energy. All matter is connected on the quantum level, where time and space cease to exist. In the quantum realm, unlike the linear world we see, everything is nonlinear and already exists as a field of possibility. Change is instantaneous in the quantum world, but may take some time to shift beliefs and behaviors in the observable world.

A way to understand quantum healing is that it involves healing one mode of consciousness, the mind and our thoughts, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, the body. It is beyond our mind’s ability to grasp the “how” of what is possible. Transformational healing becomes available as we trust the union between our human self and the Divine Self in creating a blueprint for our life beyond our wildest dreams.

Distance healing can be sent to anyone or any situation, including world leaders, world crisis or to the Earth and Her natural disasters. Belief in any religion, theology or system is not necessary by either the sender or the receiver, as the quantum world is a neutral conduit.

Terms and Definitions

A term broadly applied to modern, or traditional Western, medicine.
The use of aromas (smells) to support and rebalance the body, mind and spirit.
Ayurveda is India’s 5,000 year old traditional system of medicine. It embraces the concepts of atomic theory, quantum mechanics and the idea of a vibratory field that makes up the fabric of the universe.
An Ayurvedic Health Counselor provides an opportunity to educate clients on various aspects of healthy living expounded by Ayurveda, such as diet, lifestyle, conduct, and attitude.
Body Listeningis the healing art of listening to and speaking with the body through your hands, hearts, third eye, gut or intuition.
Bodywork is the general term used to refer to all the complementary medical and Human Energy Field therapies that treat the body using manual manipulation, breath work or energetic body theory as their basis.
Involves extremely gentle and subtle manipulation of the head and spine. This allows free movement of the cerebrospinal fluid and balances the energy fields.
One of the basic concepts in Ayurveda, Dosha comes from Sanskrit and can be loosely defined as the three energies (vata, pitta, kapha) that form our nature, constitution, biology, or humour.
A designation for essential oils that assures quality on 5 points: name, the part of the plant that was distilled, chemical type, geographic origin, and how it was cultivated.
Integrative Health Care is Integrative Medicine. An approach designed to treat the whole person, not just the dis-ease. Integrative Health Care treats body, mind and spirit at the same time, combining traditional Western medicine with alternative and complementary treatments including, but not limited to, herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, and yoga.
A Certified Integrative Health & Wellness Nurse Coach provides support and structure for a client who is interested in pursuing wellness, adjusting to and/or making life changes, navigating their health care, working with or preventing chronic disease, or dealing with a health and/or life challenge.
A life coach helps you imagine, define and attain new goals or major changes in your life.
The energy and source of all Life.
A general term for those who do any type of spiritual, energetic, or hands-on healing work.
Massage Therapy is defined as the treatment of soft tissues of the body by use of pressure, friction, stroking, percussion, kneading, rubbing, stretching or vibration by manual or mechanical means with intent to improve circulation, foster relaxation and increase tissue elasticity.
Meditation is a state of thoughtful awareness, not an act, but a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, and yet it is alert. It is a beginning of an inner transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness. It is holistic, the “whole” of body, mind and spirit. There are many different types and techniques that we can practice, to bring us into meditation. The practice of meditation can bring mental peace, tranquility, transform the mind, increase concentration, clarity, positive emotions and calmness. It is also known for reducing the effects of stress on the body/mind.
Naysa is an effective Ayurvedic remedy for nasal cleaning. One of 5 purification methods of Panchakarma Therapy, and also can be done on it’s own. One can have a professional nasya treatment by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, or do a simple nasya by oneself at home.
Neti is a nasal irrigation of the nasal cavity to wash and flush out excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses using a neti pot and warm salt water solution. It is used for prevention and treatment of nasal allergies, sinus problems and colds.
NonDual Kabbalistic spiritual healing blends deep listening, insight, and hands-on healing to shift long held imbalances in the Soul.
Polarity Therapy is a Human Energy Field based integrative health care specialty based on a four-pronged approach to healing through bodywork, diet, yoga-type exercises and client self-awareness.
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word that means extension of life force, and refers to breathing techniques used in yoga for breath control.
Deepak Chopra defines Quantum healing as a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong.
Reiki (Ray-Key), is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing modality. Made up of two words, literally translated it means Gods Wisdom or the Higher Power, and life force energy.
The term relaxation response was coined by Herbert Benson to describe the physical changes during a state of relaxation – decreased blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate.
Shamans have the ability to bring information from the spiritual realm into the practical, everyday world and reconfigure your energy field.
The use of yoga postures and practice to treat or prevent mental, emotional, spiritual or physical imbalances that lead to disease.
Transpersonal can be defined as that which is beyond the individual or personal experience and extends to the cosmic level.
A system of physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation exercises practiced for mental and physical health. Originally formed as part of Hindu spiritual practice, yoga is also done as a type of physical exercise.
  • Iyengar Yoga – A form of Hatha Yoga, developed by B.K.S. Iyengar. Iyengar Yoga emphasizes alignment and uses props to help support and achieve the postures (asanas).
  • Hatha Yoga – The oldest form of Yoga, and the most well-known in the West, Hatha Yoga focuses on postures (asanas) and breath control (pranyamas).
  • Vinyasa Yoga – Sequential movements and breath synchronization to form a continuous flow.
  • Kripalu Yoga – uses inner focus, meditation, standard yoga poses, breathwork, “development of a quiet mind”, and relaxation.
This type of body work involves gentle movement to balance the body’s internal energy currents with structural elements such as bones, muscles, organs and joints.