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90 Min - Established Clients

Professional qualifications

Janeen Barnett has been fascinated by the art and science of medicine for as long as she can remember. Practical life experience, diagnosing and treating animals on a farm growing up, a B.S. in Animal Science, and recent training in Bodywork and Spiritual Ministry combine to make her who she is today.

2008 Clinical Pastoral Education – one unit. Beverly Hospital, Beverly MA. ACPE accredited
2007 Polarity Energy Therapy. Palmer Institute of Massage and Bodywork, Salem, MA.
2007 Massage Therapy. Palmer Institute of Massage and Bodywork, Salem, MA.
1984 B.S. Animal Science. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Awarded with honors.

NCTMB – Board Certified Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworker
Associate Polarity Practitioner -American Polarity Therapy Association
LMT – Massachusetts Licensed Massage Therapist. 2007-present

ABMP – Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals
APTA – American Polarity Therapy Association


What is Healing?

Everyday events – stress at work, drama at home, bills, relationship challenges – have the ability to pull us in many different directions and upset our overall balance. Major losses or traumatic experiences – illness, death of a loved one, house move or career change for example, can send us reeling. Healing is when we restore our Selves to a place of balance. True healing is returning to Wholeness on all levels including, but not limited to, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.
Everything in motion seeks equilibrium, so there is always the possibility for change and shifting to occur. We always have a deep desire to be in harmony with our Higher Self and with our surroundings. We can often come back into balance without external help, but not always; there are times when we need extra support and nourishment to do so.

There are as many different paths to achieving Wholeness as there are individuals, each path has its own intrinsic value in the final process. We may benefit from different paths or approaches throughout our lives, but the ultimate responsibility for the path we choose, and its results, resides with Us.

The BodyMind has an innate and infinite ability to heal itself, and it is our role as Au Soleil Healing Practitioners to create the sacred space and place and support the process of those who come to us. We work with the intention of respecting each individual’s path and belief system, regardless of our own, meeting you where you are, supporting your course, and encouraging you in your ability to care for yourself.


"I would recommend Body Journeying to someone who has stored an old childhood experience/trauma in their body. This experience/trauma is more likely to be “buried” in the body/unconsciousness.

The positive of using this technique is that the therapist/participant can reach the “buried” experience in their body more easily than they can reach it in their mind. I also think it can be helpful to imagine a shape/color/object and see it leave your body to realize it is gone/processed. This was certainly my experience in terms of processing some old wounds related to my relationship with my sister."
"Each session with Janeen has created major positive shifts in my life! Her guidance is so helpful in removing energetic blocks and making energetic repairs, which creates a feeling of being more aligned & attached to my body. She used a technique she calls Body Journeying. I personally find it empowering to be able to travel through my body, recognize what shows up, remove or fix it which creates positive changes in all areas of my life. In our last session I was able to identify sticky black tar in my throat from my parents smoking when I was a child. This has caused uncontrollable coughing attacks that had happened at all the worst times for me. I found it very difficult to control. It’s been a few weeks and I haven’t experienced any of these attacks since the session! This is life changing for me!

I would recommend this technique to anyone who feels stuck, blocked or just ready for positive changes"
"Pros of Body Healing and why I recommend it to others:

I experience a deeper understanding of what I am feeling and why in regards to how my past and current emotional states can affect the body. The healing session allows for both a physical and emotional release of what is causing physical and/or emotional pain as well as spiritual stumbling blocks. The consultation before and after a session leads to more self awareness, and how to release what I do not need mentally, emotionally, physically with independence (and guidance if needed). It offers self awareness and self compassion, with the understanding that I am a part of the healing process and in order to heal and grow, I must be an active participant (taught with compassion).

I recommend Healing Sessions with Janeen to friends and family who are looking for physical relief from ailments such as allergies and auto-immune issues. I inform them there will be physical relief with the added bonus of emotional insight into the source of the physical, if they are ready to explore that avenue of healing. There is also the bonus of learning how to manage the physical from an emotional/healing perspective.

Janeen creates a very safe and sacred atmosphere to allow for whatever insights and healing a person is ready to receive. Having received healing sessions over the years, the healing journey has allowed me to venture into deeper physical,emotional and mental healings, knowing I won't venture further than my mind/body/spirit is ready to go. The healing process is helping me become a more grounded, self aware and complete person, learning to treat myself and others with more awareness and compassion, while learning it is both ok and necessary to establish healthy boundaries."
" I have been seeing Janeen regularly for massage and energy work for some four years and feel enormously grateful to have her in my life. During this period I've had a significant amount of discomfort and disability due to a devastating illness and the treatment for it. Janeen has been totally tuned in to my physical and emotional needs throughout this journey, and consistently provides healing, restorative care. She does a thorough check-in before I get on the massage table so that she can tailor her approach to my specific needs at each visit. She is highly knowledgeable about anatomy, and I find her treatments and self-care advice more beneficial than visits with a physical therapist. In addition to the physical benefits and deep relaxation I experience during and after my sessions with Janeen, her compassion and wisdom soothe my soul. "
" I am honored to write a testimonial to the healing gifts of Janeen Barnett. And if it were simply a matter of addressing physical ailments and energy blocks in my body at this time in my life, I would sing her praises as a very effective bodyworker and energy healer. But there is more to Janeen's work than that. In the Spring of 2013, I was working with my Toltec spiritual teacher, Rita Rivera Fox, who is one of Don Miguel Ruiz's original apprentices. Rita had been my teacher and guide through tremendous transformations in how I viewed myself and the world. And that Spring, we were addressing my lifelong challenging relationship with my body, food, and weight. A history that has included diets, nutritionists, body and energy work, etc., -- all of which were helpful to a certain extent. But Rita soon intuited that this issue involved more than the experiences of this lifetime, and that there were strong connections to past life experiences that made this relationship all the more complex for me. We realized that it is a soul issue, and it is brought into this lifetime to rectify. And so Rita sent me to work with Janeen, telling me that Janeen has an unique ability to read one's body on multiple levels in order to create healing energy shifts; to clear beliefs/mind sets, and to heal wounds from both this and past lives. I have absolutely found this to be true. Janeen has a lovely, gentle, light-filled energy that enfolds me as I enter her healing space. I am more peaceful as soon as I come into her presence. My work with her is transformative, and she has helped me to continue to become more of my authentic, encumbered self -- to be more comfortable in my body physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In addition, I have a deeper understanding of influences from my past, as well as my current life's journey and purposes. Janeen has also helped me to understand that our work is a partnership, and I am a powerful part of my own healing process. It is an honor for me to be in such an amazing partnership. "
Martha M. LMHC
" I am Pleased to say that my first experience of Shamanic meditation assisted me through a difficult transition of losing my relationship with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years. I was unsettled, confused and lacked peace. It allowed me to focus on me, what I knew already in my heart and come to acceptance and peace that I've done all I can, that I did not fail this relationship, nor another that was revealed in meditation. It helped me to see pain from recent losses can begin to heal. As a result from my experience, I feel at peace and more confident at being me. I'm so happy this experience helped me to return to feeling grounded and I feel like I found myself, which was slipping into the confused state. I learned the technique can be helpful when I'm needing to slow down, and not be overcome and find peace. Jan was absolutely so kind, and helpful. I felt at ease in her voice, no judgement, just kindness and light. I would highly recommend this meditation to those in search of answers, or having difficulty to life's challenges. "
Susie R.